environmental law
International environmental law; Environmental regulation; International Environmental Law; Environmental Law; Environmental protection law; Environmental lawyers; Environmental legislation; Environmental Laws; Green legislation; Anti-pollution legislation; Anti pollution legislation; Antipollution legislation; Pollution legislation; Air-pollution legislation; Air pollution legislation; Anti-pollution law; Anti pollution law; Antipollution law; Anti-pollution laws; Anti pollution laws; Antipollution laws; Pollution law; Pollution laws; Air pollution law; Air pollution laws; Air-pollution law; Air-pollution laws; Smog law; Smog laws; Smog legislation; Anti-smog law; Anti-smog laws; Anti-smog legislation; Anti smog law; Anti smog laws; Anti smog legislation; Antismog law; Antismog laws; Antismog legislation; Green laws; Green law; Green Police; Environmental regulations; Environment law; Environmental laws; Conservation law (environment); Conservation law (environmental); Natural resources law; Natural resource law; Environmental Conservation Law; Russian environmental law; Japanese environmental law; Australian environmental law; Environmental Protection Law (Egypt); Environmental law in Australia; History of environmental law; Environmental law of China; Basic Environmental Law; Basic Law for Environmental Pollution Control; Nature Conservation Law; Environmental lawyer
n. a body of state and federal statutes intended to protect the environment, wildlife, land and beauty, prevent pollution or over-cutting of forests, save endangered species, conserve water, develop and follow general plans and prevent damaging practices. These laws often give individuals and groups the right to bring legal actions or seek court orders to enforce the protections or demand revisions of private and public activity which may have detrimental effects on the environment.